Expert Deposition Coverage

50h Hearings

Free Deposition Scheduling Service, Click Here To Find Out More!




Per Diem Attorney Coverage for Depositions


What we cover:

  • Depositions
  • Examinations under oath
  • 50h hearings

"The attorney assigned to our case was like having our own IT consultant on our team.  She knew every nuance to properly handling an online deposition. Our client felt so comfortable."


ZR Per Diem attorneys have handled thousands of depositions and are experienced with virtual and in-person depositions.

  • Personal Injury
  • Automobile Accident
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Contract Disputes
  • Property Damage
  • Wrongful Death
  • Divorce
  • Document Production
  • Foreclosure
  • Surrogate’s Matters
  • Labor Law 240 cases; 
  • Slip and Fall
  • and more!

Jersey City Skyline

Benefits of Using Per Diem Coverage for Depositions

  • Virtual appearance expertise
  • Familiarity with virtual testimony
  • Cut out the traffic and travel time getting to and from depositions;
  • No waiting around for the parties to be ready to proceed and the court reporter to set up; 
  • Avoid the hours of boring, repetitive testimony that isn’t relevant to your case; 
  • No more hours of listening to useless questioning by multiple attorneys; 
  • Spend your time on more productive work; 
  • Get the expertise of a seasoned litigator without the cost of hiring more associates; 
  • Focus on building your business. 
  • Competitive Deposition Prices, saves you time and money; 
  • Multi-witness coverage provides consistency in handling of your depositions; 
  • No need to unnecessarily adjourn and delay cases because your office can’t move forward with scheduled depositions;
  • Avoid unnecessary motions enforcing depositions because you don’t have the time to get to everything on your calendar; 
  • No more embarrassing court appearances where the Judge admonishes you because your depositions have been delayed. 
  • Expand your practice into areas you wouldn’t otherwise handle with outside experts available to handle your depositions.
  • Now ZR Per Diem can help you schedule your depositions and keep your cases moving!

What to expect when requesting deposition coverage with ZR Per Diem

  • Attorneys experienced with online and virtual testimony;
  • Knowledge with handling exhibit and evidence while online;
  • Highly qualified attorneys available to conduct or defend depositions on your most sensitive matters;
  • The ability to communicate directly with the covering attorney about matters important to the success of the deposition or testimony; 
  • Up front transparent pricing for services rendered, including travel time to and from the deposition; 
  • A complete, detailed report of the proceedings, including information about witness appearance, demeanor and credibility, along with all of the facts necessary for you to succeed in any matter;
  • Continuity of coverage, so the same attorney handles multiple witness depositions in the same case;
  • Subject matter expertise.

“The attorney assigned to our on-line deposition realized immediately that there was an issue with the login information and was able to help us get the right information well in advance of the scheduled time. Our client was difficult to schedule. We are so happy that we didn’t have to reschedule because of a technical glitch.”

“The covering attorney was thorough and detailed in his questioning of the non-party witnesses and provided a comprehensive report.”


Free Deposition Scheduling and Calendaring Services

More than once a client has shared with us that they are short-staffed and have had to lay off key members of their team over the last months.  Other clients have told us they are operating as a one-person shop.  Then we have lots of solo practitioners who use per diem services to keep their cases moving forward. 

That is where the idea for Deposition Scheduling and Calendaring came from. A couple of clients asked if our staff could assist them with all of the phone calls needed to get previously ordered and outstanding depositions scheduled. We said "Absolutely."   

  • Just send us your list of cases with the names of the parties and some suggested dates for depositions. 
  • We will make the calls and schedule the dates and then we will assign an experienced per diem deposition attorney to cover the deposition for you.  It's that simple. 
  • And from now until the end of 2020, we are offering this service FREE to all of our clients.  We just ask that when the deposition is scheduled that coverage is booked with ZR Per Diem Services.  

It's true! Our per diem attorneys can be there where and when you need them for your deposition coverage.


But you may still have questions. That's why we have this handy FAQ guide.

“But can a per diem attorney really handle a deposition?”
Yes, the attorneys on the ZR Per Diem Roster are vetted by our staff, experienced in their field and have conducted and defended many depositions to qualify for assignments from ZR Per Diem Services.
“Does the appearing attorney know how to conduct a deposition?"
Yes! Any attorney assigned to cover a deposition by ZR Per Diem Services has been interviewed and vetted by the ZR Per Diem staff and meets the qualifications needed to handle depositions.
“What if the deposition is longer than expected?”
ZR Per Diem Services works hard to make sure that pricing for coverage is completely transparent and upfront.  Click here to read our Transparent Pricing Promise.  Our deposition rates can be found on our website at
“How will I know how the deposition went?”
Within 3 business days, a full detailed report will be provided to you. That report will include details about the demeanor and credibility of witnesses, issues that arose, the temperament of opposing counsel and more.
“Can I talk to the per diem attorney assigned to the matter about my case before the deposition goes forward?”
Sure! We encourage ZR Per Diem Services clients to include any special instructions, like speaking to the per diem assigned to the matter ahead of the appearance or deposition, in the appearance request. Simply provide the best contact name and number and we will instruct the assigned attorney to reach out to you.
“How can I be sure that my deposition will be covered?”

The best way to be sure that coverage will be available is to request coverage early. We understand that most deposition confirmation happen the day before testimony is scheduled, but waiting until your deposition is confirmed among the parties makes it more difficult for us to guarantee that your depositions will be covered.  Please make sure to request deposition coverage as soon as you have a noticed deposition date. If you need to cancel the day before, no problem. As long as your appearance request is cancelled before 5 pm on the day before the scheduled date, you won’t be charged. 

“How will my client be properly prepared for testimony if I’m not there?”
Many ZR Per Diem clients choose to prepare their witnesses for testimony before the deposition to make sure the client feels comfortable and confident in advance of the deposition date.  Per Diem attorneys, in those cases, are there to reinforce that preparation and to offer support and some testimony tips to the client during the deposition. Although preparing witnesses in advance of the deposition date may be ideal, some clients ask the per diem attorney assigned to prepare the witness on the date of the deposition based upon instructions from the hiring attorney.  Since ZR Per Diem Roster Attorneys are experienced at taking and defending depositions, they are comfortable, with sufficient instructions, with doing either.
“How will the per diem attorney know what questions to ask?”
Some ZR Per Diem clients provide a list of questions they want asked; others provide detailed information that they need to get from a particular witness and some leave the questioning to the discretion of the appearing attorney and provide an overview of the case.  ZR Per Diem Roster attorneys know what questions to ask based upon the instructions provided and their own individual experience.
“Will I be able to find out about the witness’s demeanor on the stand?”
The handling attorney is instructed to provide details about the testimony, including observations about the witness’s demeanor and character during testimony.  Of course, we encourage all of our clients to include specific instructions and details wherever necessary to be sure the assigned attorney is able to be sure each client’s needs are met.
“Won’t it be cost-prohibitive to have a per diem attorney cover my depositions?”
ZR Per Diem Services has fair, competitive and transparent pricing on all of their appearance services, even depositions. But the real value in use a per diem service provider to handle depositions is in the time savings.
“Can the same attorney handle multiple witnesses in the same case?”
Yes! Many ZR Per Diem Services clients feel it is important that the same per diem attorney covers all of the depositions in a case.  To be sure that the same per diem attorney is available to cover multiple witnesses, we encourage that clients put their deposition requests in early.  The earlier ZR Per Diem receives your request the greater the chance that special arrangements can be made to have your depositions handled in the way you find most beneficial for your cases and clients. 

Making Your Deposition Request is Easy!

“This attorney did an excellent job. Followed complicated directions and provided a very thorough and detailed report. Best EBT per diem yet. Hope to use in the future.”


Head over to our proprietary coverage portal, Revolution©, to create a free account and submit your request for deposition coverage.