A per diem attorney, sometimes referred to as “Of Counsel” or covering attorney, is an attorney who appears at a court appearance or deposition on behalf of the attorney of record on a case, just for the day.
Simply visit our Request Coverage page and click “Request Coverage”. This will take you to ZRPD’s proprietary, state of the art online portal, Revolution. If you do not have an account with us, click on “create an account” and follow the quick, easy steps. Once you are in your account, click “Request Coverage” and include all the details and information for your request.
While most ZRPD clients find using the Revolution Portal the easiest and most efficient way to manage their court appearance and deposition needs, you can call our office at 516-472-2807 or email us at support@zrperdiem.com and a calendar representative can help you with your request.
The assigned attorney’s full name will appear within your request in your Revolution account the day prior to the appearance. If you have made your request by telephone or email, you will receive a confirmation email containing that information.
Per Diem Attorneys who make appearances through ZRPD are interviewed, vetted and qualified through our per diem attorney specialist. We require a minimum of three (3) years of experience, in the area of practice in which the attorney will appear, most attorneys have much more experience than the minimum requirement. We confirm that all attorneys on our roster are in good standing, fully licensed to practice law in the necessary courts and that there is no recorded disciplinary action against them.
Since per diem attorneys appear on behalf of the Attorney of Record on a case, we can only arrange coverage on behalf of the acting attorney on a case. We cannot accept appearances on behalf of pro se litigants, or people who do not have representation.
To get the best outcome from your appearance request it is important to provide clear and complete instructions and documents needed for your appearance. Some clients even include a summary of the case and what they expect from the appearance.
When you need your results right away, all you have to do is include that in your request. In most cases, we can get your results to you right after your appearance is completed.
While it is best to submit your request for coverage with as much advance notice as possible, we understand that covering your calendar is a lot of work and court appearance and deposition dates are not always predictable.
That is why we guarantee coverage for requests received by 4 pm the day prior to the appearance. In most cases, we can even cover same day requests for coverage.
By using the Revolution Portal, requesting coverage again, on a previously covered matter, is as easy as logging into your account and clicking the “request coverage again” button. All you need to do is confirm the date and time of the appearance and update your instructions. All of the information previously provided and the results of all past appearances handled through Revolution will be there for you.
Clients with an established history with ZRPD can make special arrangements for billing by contacting us at support@zrperdiem.com or calling our billing department at 516-472-2807.