How Law Firms Are Improving Their Utilization Rates
Feb 22, 2023 10:38:28 AM / by Nicole Bauder posted in General Knowledge, New Jersey, New York, Per Diem Attorneys, Virtual Appearances
Increase Utilization Rates with Per Diem Attorneys
Nov 15, 2022 12:06:46 PM / by ZR Per Diem posted in New Jersey, New York, Per Diem Attorneys
The legal community found itself in unprecedented times during the pandemic as well as after.
Aug 5, 2021 9:25:55 AM / by Jackie Cara posted in Closures, New York, Legal Minute, Per Diem Attorneys, Virtual Appearances
Nearly four million owner-occupied homes exist in New York State. More than a million of those are in New York City. Recent analysis estimates that between 75,000 and 135,000 homeowners are at risk of foreclosure within the coming year. Many experts believe these numbers may be low due to decentralization of collection agencies and short staffing due to the pandemic.
Leveling Up Your LinkedIn
Apr 12, 2021 4:25:34 PM / by Randi Rosenblatt posted in General Knowledge, Per Diem Attorneys
No Cats In Court and Other Guidelines for Decorum and Etiquette in Virtual Courts
Mar 30, 2021 9:49:54 AM / by Jackie Cara posted in General Knowledge, Per Diem Attorneys, Virtual Appearances, Virtual Associates
Successful Virtual Depositions
Oct 21, 2020 1:09:17 PM / by ZR Per Diem posted in Depositions, Per Diem Attorneys, Virtual Appearances
The litigation landscape has certainly changed from what it was a year ago. Since March, 2020, judges, court personal, attorneys and clients have had to adjust to a virtual world that has been both changing everyday and moving very slowly.